17 research outputs found

    Personalakquisition im Zeitalter des Internet : Surviving the Online War for Talent

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    Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier soll Unternehmen helfen, das Neue Medium Internet erfolgreich für die Personalakquisition einzusetzen. Neben einer umfassenden Darstellung der Möglichkeiten, welche sich Unternehmen online für diesen Aspekt des Personalmarketing bieten, erfahren auch die Belange der Arbeitsuchenden eine eingehende Betrachtung. So werden exemplarisch die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung dargestellt, welche die Erfolgsfaktoren von Jobbörsen aus der Sicht von Bewerbern beleuchtet. Die Befunde der Studie liefern Unternehmen dabei wertvolle Implikationen für die Praxis: Zum einen lassen sich die ermittelten zentralen Determinanten des Erfolges von Jobbörsen zum großen Teil auf den eigenen personalbezogenen WWW-Auftritt von Unternehmen übertragen, zum anderen dienen die Ergebnisse der kritischen Evaluation von Jobbörsen-Anbietern im Sinne einer erfolgreichen Mediaselektion bei der Schaltung von Anzeigen

    Decentralized Finance – A Systematic Literature Review and Research Directions

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    Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the (r)evolutionary movement to create a solely code-based, intermediary-independent financial system—a movement which has grown from 4bnto4bn to 104bn in assets locked in the last three years. We present the first systematic literature review of the yet fragmented DeFi research field. By identifying, analyzing, and integrating 83 peer-reviewed DeFi-related publications, our results contribute fivefold. First, we confirm the increasing growth of academic DeFi publications through systematic analysis. Second, we frame DeFi-related literature into three levels of abstraction (micro, meso, and macro) and seven subcategories. Third, we identify Ethereum as the blockchain in main academic focus. Fourth, we show that prototyping is the dominant research method applied whereas only one paper has used primary research data. Fifth, we derive four prioritized research avenues, namely concerning i) DeFi protocol interaction and aggregation platforms, ii) decentralized off-chain data integration to DeFi, iii) DeFi agents, and iv) regulation

    A Novel Endothelial Damage Inhibitor Reduces Oxidative Stress and Improves Cellular Integrity in Radial Artery Grafts for Coronary Artery Bypass

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    The radial artery (RA) is a frequently used conduit in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Endothelial injury incurred during graft harvesting promotes oxidative damage, which leads to graft disease and graft failure. We evaluated the protective effect of DuraGraft®, an endothelial damage inhibitor (EDI), on RA grafts. We further compared the protective effect of the EDI between RA grafts and saphenous vein grafts (SVG). Samples of RA (n = 10) and SVG (n = 13) from 23 patients undergoing CABG were flushed and preserved with either EDI or heparinized Ringer's lactate solution (RL). The effect of EDI vs. RL on endothelial damage was evaluated ex vivo and in vitro using histological analysis, immunofluorescence staining, Western blot, and scanning electron microscopy. EDI-treated RA grafts showed a significant reduction of endothelial and sub-endothelial damage. Lower level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after EDI treatment was correlated with a reduction of hypoxic damage (eNOS and Caveolin-1) and significant increase of oxidation-reduction potential. Additionally, an increased expression of TGFβ, PDGFα/β, and HO-1 which are indicative for vascular protective function were observed after EDI exposure. EDI treatment preserves functionality and integrity of endothelial and intimal cells. Therefore, EDI may have the potential to reduce the occurrence of graft disease and failure in RA grafts in patients undergoing CABG

    Die "gute Mutter" revisited : genderkritische Anmerkungen zu Frühen Hilfen

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    Sandner E, Thiessen B. Die "gute Mutter" revisited : genderkritische Anmerkungen zu Frühen Hilfen. IzKK-Nachrichten / Informationszentrum Kindesmisshandlung Kindesvernachlässigung. 2010;2010(1):28-31

    Familienleitbilder bei Professionellen : bei "Risikofamilien" besser weniger Diversität?

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    Thiessen B, Sandner E. Familienleitbilder bei Professionellen : bei "Risikofamilien" besser weniger Diversität? In: Effinger H, Borrmann S, Gahleitne SB, Köttig M, Kraus B, Stövesand S, eds. Diversität und Soziale Ungleichheit: analytische Zugänge und professionelles Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit. Buchreihe Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit. Vol 6. 2012: 142-152

    Validation of a standardized donor health questionnaire across substances of human origin

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: A donor health questionnaire (DHQ) aims to ensure the safety of donors and recipients of transfusions or transplantations with blood components, plasma-derived medicinal products, tissues, haematopoietic stem cells and medically assisted reproduction (in short substances of human origin; SoHO). Currently, many different DHQs exist across countries and SoHO. TRANSPOSE (TRANSfusion and transplantation PrOtection and SElection of donors) developed and validated a standardized DHQ to use across countries and SoHO. We tested whether participants understand the questions and provide honest answers. METHODS: For the validation of the standardized DHQ, two demographically representative online surveys were conducted in Germany (N = 3329) and Austria (N = 3432). We surveyed whether participants understood each DHQ question and would answer the questions truthfully. We used experimental settings to test whether there is a difference between mode of administration (print vs. online), the order of the questions (subject vs. chronological order), and the positioning of the general state of health question (beginning vs. end) in the DHQ. Using regression models, we tested the DHQ's impact on participant mood after completion and on socially desirable response behaviour. RESULTS: Participants understood the DHQ questions well and would answer them honestly. Nevertheless, the data show different levels of understanding and honesty when responding. Administration mode was the only characteristic that had a significant influence on mood, with the online version resulting in a more favourable mood in comparison to the printed version. CONCLUSION: The DHQ was well understood and had a low dishonest tendency. Our findings can serve as an impulse for further research on DHQ criteria across other SoHO and countries

    Validation of a Standardized Donor Health Questionnaire across Substances of Human Origin

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    Paper "Validation of a Standardized Donor Health Questionnaire across Substances of Human Origin" -Datensatz für Study 1 und Study 2 -Fragebogen für Study 1 und Study 2 -SPSS Skript -Publikatio